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Local List Glossary

Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA)

When is this required?

  • Development proposals where there are trees, hedgerows or significant shrub masses within the application site or on land adjacent to it that could be influenced or affected by the development (including street trees).

What information is required?

The assessment, prepared by an appropriately qualified person, will be required to identify the effect of planned development on the existing tree stock. The assessment should include a tree survey, a tree constraints plan, and a tree protection plan, including any recommended mitigation and an associated arboricultural method statement. The assessment should be prepared in compliance with the recommendations set out in BS5837:2012 (Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction).

Relevant Policy and reason for the document:

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011-2031:

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy ST01: Principles of Sustainable Development

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy ST02: Mitigating Climate Change

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy ST04: Improving the Quality of Development

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan ST14: Enhancing Environmental Assets

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan DM01: Amenity Considerations

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan DM04: Design Principles

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan DM08: Biodiversity and Geodiversity

Further information sources:

Natural England: Standing Advice on Ancient Woodland

and Standing Advice for Protected Species

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