Council Tax Frequently Asked Questions

How much is my Council Tax bill?
The amount you have to pay depends on both the band of the property and the parish that you live in.
View Council Tax Charges for 2024/25 (PDF, 73 KB)
What band is my property in?
The Valuation Office has an online listing of all properties.
The link below will take you to the Valuation Office online house band enquiry screen. From here you can select TORRIDGE as the authority and enter your postcode to view Valuation Band details for houses in your area.
Valuation Office Agency - Council Tax Valuation List
How can I get my bill reduced?
You can get money off your bill or even pay nothing in certain circumstances. For example if you live alone, or with people who do not have to pay, if you are disabled, or if your home falls under one of the qualifying criteria. You may also be entitled to money off your bill if you are on a low income, this is called Council Tax Support.
More details about reducing your Council Tax
I cannot afford my payments what should I do?
If you are struggling to pay your Council Tax bill contact us straight away we will be able to talk through your circumstances and may be able to help you sort out a payment plan. If you fall behind with your payments, or you are paying late, we will send you a Reminder (PDF, 133 KB). This gives you seven days to pay. If you bring your account up to date, but fall behind again, we will send you a second reminder. If you don't pay or don't keep to an arrangement to pay, you will lose the right to pay in instalments. The full year's council tax becomes due. The next stage would be to issue you with a court Summons (PDF, 38 KB).
Fair Collection and Debt Recovery (PDF, 290 KB)
Attachment of Earnings Information (PDF, 442 KB)
Enforcement Agents Fees (PDF, 87 KB)
How can I make a payment of Council Tax?
You can pay your Council Tax by a variety of ways.
More details about how you can make a payment of Council Tax
What does my Council Tax pay for?
The Council Tax that Torridge collects from you pays for the services provided by Devon County Council, Devon and Cornwall Police, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority, Torridge District Council and the parishes. Torridge District Council is the "Billing Authority" that collects the tax on behalf of the other authorities. The services provided by the County Council such as education, social services and highways maintenance are the major items of expenditure, and consequently, the County Council gets approximately 73% of the tax collected in order to pay for its services. The Police get around 10%, the Fire Authority 5%, approximately 3% is passed onto the Parishes, and Torridge District Council retains around 9%
More details about what my Council Tax pays for
I am moving
Complete the online to form to let us know if you are moving house.
More details about moving house
Can I set up a Direct Debit?
Direct Debit is the Council's preferred method of payment. It is simple, quick and safe. Just give us the details once and we will do the rest. No need to remember to pay. You can choose to pay over 10 or 12 months
Can I pay over 12 months?
Council Tax is normally paid over ten months from April to January. You can also request to pay over twelve months - please make sure you contact us promptly to allow for the full twelve month option.
I have received a reminder or summons
If you have received a Reminder (PDF, 133 KB) or Summons (PDF, 38 KB) and cannot afford to bring your account up to date it is important that you contact us straight away. We will be able to talk through your circumstances and may be able to help you sort out a payment plan. You may also be entitled to help with paying your council tax - we can discuss this with you when you contact us.
How can I contact you?
You can contact us by email, phone or in person.
Email us:
Telephone us: 01237 428900 between 8.45am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and between 8.45am and 4.45pm Friday
What happens if I knowingly provide you with incorrect information regarding liability, a discount or an exemption?
Torridge District Council has set down a policy on administering penalties and undertaking prosecution action in circumstances where the tax payer has delayed or failed to advise the Council of a change in circumstance when they have been awarded a discount, exemption and/or Council Tax Support or the tax payer has failed to provide information in respect of liability matters; or when there is sufficient evidence to suggest fraudulent activity.
More details about providing incorrect information (PDF, 182 KB)