Pay your Council Tax
You can pay in many ways, including by Direct Debit, online, by phone, by post, in person or by bank transfer.

You can pay your Council Tax by either 10 or 12 monthly instalments and can choose from 5 payment dates which are 1st, 7th, 15th, 21st or 28th of each month. The standard instalment scheme will be 10 instalments but if you wish to pay by 12 instalments then please contact us to arrange this for you.
If you are billed later in the year, the number of instalments will be reduced proportionately.
Bills for previous years and ceased liabilities are payable in full within 14 days. If you choose not to pay by monthly instalments you can contact us and request to pay the whole year's bill on 1st April or pay half on 1st April and half on 1st October.
Direct Debit - the simplest way to pay your bill
Direct debit is the best way to pay - simple, quick and safe. Spread your payments over the year. You can pay over 10 months or over 12 months.
You will need:
- Council Tax account number
- bank name, branch and sort code
- bank account number and the name(s) on the account
If you don't want to set up your Direct Debit online, contact us via telephone and we can do it for you.
You can use our secure online payments system. You will need your debit or credit card and your Council Tax reference number to hand.
Internet or telephone banking
Our bank details are:
- Bank: Lloyds Bank PLC
- Sort Code: 30-90-78
- Account Number: 29541760
- Account Name: Torridge District Council Receipts
Ensure you use your Council Tax account number as your payment reference.
By phone
You can pay using our 24 hour automated touch tone telephone service on 0300 7900 215 (option 1). You will need your debit or credit card and your Council Tax reference number to hand.
In person
When paying in person, please bring your barcoded bill with you.
At our Bideford office
Riverbank House, Bideford, Devon EX39 2QG.
The opening hours are:
- Monday to Thursday, 8:45am to 5pm
- Friday, 8:45am to 4:45pm
You can only pay by cheque at this location.
At any Post Office or PayPoint location
Find your nearest Post Office branch (opens in new tab) or PayPoint store (opens in new tab).
Send a cheque made payable to Torridge District Council. Write your name, address and Council Tax reference number on the back (we don't accept cheques dated in the future).
Post to: Torridge District Council, Riverbank House, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2QG
More information
You can also sign up to receive your Council Tax bill via email.
If you have any queries about paying your Council Tax, please contact us.
- email:
- phone: 01237 428900