Pay your business rates

What happens if you don't pay your business rates?
Pay online
You can make payment by debit or credit card over the Internet. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week pay your Business Rates bill.
By direct debit
How it works:
- Complete the online instruction
- Contact a member of the business rates team on 01237 428700 and provide your bank details over the phone. The details will be confirmed to you straight away and a confirmation letter will be sent to you within 3 working days
- If you prefer, you can complete a paper direct debit instruction and email it to: or post it to: Riverbank House, Bideford EX39 2QG
- You can choose to pay on either the 1st or the 15th of the month
- You will be notified in advance of the payments and their due dates
- You can cancel the instruction at any time by contacting your bank or building society
- Your bank will make an immediate refund should a payment be made which breaks the terms of your instruction
By telephone
You can make debit or credit card payments using the automated payment line 0300 7900 215 (option 2). This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and calls will only be charged at the local rate. You will need your business rate account number.
By BACs or online banking
Make your payment to:
Torridge District Council
Sort Code:30-90-78
Account Number 29541760
Lloyds Bank, 5 High Street, Bideford EX39 2AA
*Please quote your business rates account number starting 26
At any Post Office or PayPoint (shops & garages etc) location
You need to take your bill or letter with you and use the long barcode at the top of the page to make payments. Find your nearest Paypoint Location.
Please be aware that payments made at a post office or pay point outlet may take up to 7 days to show on your account so please allow sufficient time for the payment to reach us before the due date.
By post
You may send cheques payable to Torridge District Council. Please include your business rates account reference, name and address on the back of the cheque. Post dated cheques cannot be accepted.
The postal address is: Riverbank House, Bideford EX39 2QG