Trees and Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Order and Conservation Area Online Check:
To check if a tree is subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or is within a Conservation Area (CA) - Please refer to the links on the right hand side of this page for to search our public access systems for Tree Preservation Orders and additional information.
To Search for a TPO on our mapping system please see the following instructions:
- Click on the link on the right hand side of this page
- Click the map tab on the simple search screen
- Click on the filter icon on the left hand side of the map ensure the section saying 'Showing case since' is set to all time by moving the arrow across to the right.
- Click on the + next to the word 'Trees' and ensure the box is ticked. This will ensure tree preservation orders are shown on the map in a brown colour.
- Then use the magnifying glass to zoom in on the map to the location/property you wish to search.
- Once this has been located click on the brown area to locate the TPO in question.
- This will open a box click on the link saying 'Tree Preservation Order Details' this will take you to another page where you can view details of the TPO and located a pdf copy of the relevant order.
- Alternatively if you know the address of the property with the TPO on it you can use the simple search or property search to search our public access system without using the map to locate any TPO's or planning applications.
To submit an application for the following:
- Works to Trees in a Conservation Area
- Works to Trees subject to a Preservation Order
The Information below is required:
To support your application for works on a tree, you will be required to provide the following details:
- A sketch map of the tree(s) location. This does not have to be to scale but demonstrating the distances between trees, boundaries, properties and relevant features is advised. Adjoining properties and roads should be included
- The tree type and condition
- The applicant and other parties' interest in the tree
- Description of the intended works and reasons for the works, showing which trees will be affected and the type of work which will be done on them - Applicable when a tree is subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
- Any replacement trees which will be planted - Applicable when a tree is subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
This must be detailed enough for the local planning authority to understand the proposals.
Applications can be submitted as follows:
- Hard/Paper Copy - Only one copy required
- Email to Planning Support - with the application form and all relevant documents in PDF format
- Planning Portal
Applications for 5 day Notice - If you have trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order and your tree(s) is/are diseased, dying or dangerous you can notify the local planning authority using a "five day notice" of your intention to reduce or remove the hazard by means of pruning or felling.
- To apply for a 5 day notice please email details to planning support or write in for us to ascertain if the tree can be considered under these regulations
Click on the Planning Portal Icon for information on how to apply and to download paper forms: