Community Remedy

The Community Remedy gives victims a say in the out-of-court punishment of perpetrators of low-level crime and antisocial behaviour.
In addition to giving victims a voice, the Community Remedy will offer offenders an alternative to going to court and getting a criminal record with the aim of ultimately reducing re-offending.
The legislation does not specify what actions should be included in any Local Community Remedy document. The Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall has a duty to consult with members of the public, community groups, the Local Authority and the Chief Constable of Devon & Cornwall on what should be included.
All actions contained within the document will be appropriate and proportionate for the types of offences the Community Remedy will be used for and they will seek to have a positive impact on the offender.
Each action is expected to have a:
- punitive element: reflecting the effects on the victim and the wider community; or
- reparative element: achieving appropriate restitution/reparation to the victim; or
- rehabilitative element: helping to address the causes of the perpetrator's behaviour; or
- a combination of these
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall