Community Protection Notice

The purpose of a Community Protection Notice (CPN) is to stop individuals over the age of 16, businesses or organisations committing antisocial behaviour which has a detriment on the communities quality of life. CPNs can be served by the Council, the Police, Police Community Support Officers, (if designated by a Chief Officer) and Registered Social Landlords (if designated by the Council), and may be used to deal with particular ongoing problems or nuisances which negatively affect the community, by targeting those responsible. They can cover a wide range of antisocial behaviours and can be used against a wide range of offenders.
When considering if a CPN is an appropriate, the agencies involved must be able to show that the behaviour is:
- having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality
- of a persistent or continuing nature; and
- unreasonable
When deciding whether the behaviour is having a detrimental effect, agencies will consult with the victims and/or potential victims to better understand the effects the behaviour is having.
Once an issue has been identified and the above tests are met, a written warning may be given to the alleged offender requesting that they stop their antisocial behaviour; the warning letter may also highlight consequences should they fail to comply with the warning.
A CPN may include a requirement to stop doing something, to start doing something, or to take reasonable steps to avoid further antisocial behaviour.
Breaching a CPN is a criminal offence. If appropriate, a breach may be dealt with by means of a Fixed Penalty Notice instead of prosecution in a Magistrates Court.