Civil Injunction

Under the Antisocial Behaviour Crime & Policing Act 2014 a civil injunction is designed to stop or prevent individuals' antisocial behaviour quickly before it begins to escalate. It can offer fast and effective protection for victims and communities and set a clear standard of behaviour for offenders.
The civil injunction can be used by Devon & Cornwall Police, local councils and registered social landlords.
Th injunction can include "prohibitions" (the individual must stop doing something), as well as '"positive requirements" (the individual must start doing something) which will address their antisocial behaviour.
Before making an application, agencies must consider if the behaviour is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress (to any person in a public place), or if the behaviour is capable of causing nuisance or annoyance (to any person's occupation of residential premises). This will be established through consultation with victims and communities to better understand the impact the behaviour is having.
If an individual breaches a civil injunction it is considered a civil contempt of Court which, if proven, could lead to a fine and or up to two years in prison.