
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas with no smell, colour or taste. It comes from the small amounts of uranium present in all earth materials such as rocks, soils, brick and concrete. It's measured in becquerels and the Public Health England recommends that radon levels should be reduced in homes where the average is more than 200 becquerels per cubic metre. This recommendation has been endorsed by the Government.
Radon is present in all parts of the UK and some of the highest levels have been found in the South West. People living all their lives at the action level may run a slightly increased risk of developing lung cancer., although the risk is thought to be extremely small. Public Health England can provide advice and guidance on the health risks associated with radon
How can I test for radon?
You can purchase a simple, safe and confidential test kit from Public Health England to measure the levels of radon in your home or ring them on 01235 822622
You can also check the DEFRA website for more information