How to Apply

A proxy vote is when you ask a trusted person to submit your vote on your behalf - these applications must be received at our offices 6 working days before an election.
Please be aware: On the 31 October the postal and proxy vote application process moved online on the Government website. You can now apply online for certain types of proxy vote using the link below:
Proxy vote -
As part of the application process you will now be asked to provide your National Insurance number, or you can provide a list of additional evidence like your passport or driving licence if necessary - they can be uploaded to your application.
You will also be asked to upload your signature and guidance will be available to help applicants do this. However, paper forms will be updated and made available to those who request them.
To find out more about the changes you can also contact the Elections Team here
Quick Check
Are you registered to vote in Torridge District?
You need to be on the electoral register before we will process a proxy vote application.
Have you moved to a new address in Torridge since you last voted and did you re-register?
If you have recently moved house in Torridge you will need to re-register before we can process your request for a proxy vote.
Is your proxy on the Electoral Register?
The person you ask needs to be 18 or over, on the electoral register and eligible to vote in the election.
Can your Proxy get to your local polling station to submit your vote?
The person you ask will need to attend your local polling station to submit your vote for you. If you do not know anyone locally who is able to do this - say you are an Overseas Voter - then your proxy can ask for a postal proxy application form, this application needs to be received at our offices 11 working days before the date of the poll.
Proxy offences
For a person to knowingly appoint a proxy who is already acting as a proxy for two or more domestic electors.
To vote as a proxy for more than two domestic electors.
For a person who is registered as an overseas elector or a service voter to knowingly appoint a proxy who is already acting as a proxy for four or more electors (of which no more than two electors can be domestic electors).
To vote as a proxy for more than four electors (of which no more than two electors can be domestic electors).
What type of application do you need us to send?
1. Proxy vote for a particular election or referendum
To appoint a proxy for one particular election.
2. Permanent or long term proxy vote
If you are not able to attend the polling station for the foreseeable future you can apply for a long term proxy. This is a more detailed form which requires someone to support the application, like an employer or a GP.
You can request this application if:
You have a disability - paper application process only.
You are away on an educational course - paper application process only.
You are away for work - paper application process only.
You are registered as an overseas voter - you can apply online or request a paper application.
You work overseas for the British Council or as a Crown servant - you can apply online or request a paper application.
You are serving overseas in the Armed Forces - you can apply online or request a paper application.
3. Emergency proxy vote
After the deadline for a normal proxy vote has closed, if you have an emergency that means you cannot vote in person, you can apply for an emergency proxy - these applications can be made up to 5pm on polling day.
These are paper forms only and the form you complete depends on your reason for needing a proxy, currently these are:
You have a disability
You are away for work
Your photo ID is lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged, and the deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate has passed. This form can also be used if your Anonymous Elector's Document is lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged.