Community Asset Transfers
Within the Localism Act 2011 the Government raised the profile of better utilising assets to meet and deliver upon community needs. Community ownership of land and buildings can transform neighbourhoods, support thriving community businesses, and unlock the power of community.
A Community Asset Transfer is the transfer of a publicly owned asset (usually land or buildings) to a community organisation at less than market value, or at nil consideration (no cost).
Torridge District Council is committed to its assets being used for a wide range of purposes, which includes supporting of and the enabling a community ownership and management of Council owned land and buildings (Assets). Torridge District Council can consider Community Asset Transfers that achieve:
1. Social and community benefits, without risking wider public interest concerns.
2. A benefit that outweighs the risks involved in community ownership.
3. Any risks can be managed and mitigated by drawing up on the experience of others.
There are clear implications for the Council and other bodies when considering a transfer of the management or an ownership of one of its Assets. A Community Asset Transfer from the Council will need to be supported by a Business Plan to support the viability of an idea.
The contact for Community Asset Transfers is
Please click the following link to view the TDC Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Policy (PDF) [507KB] .