New government housing requirements impact councils' housing land supply

New government housebuilding targets have had an immediate impact on how North Devon and Torridge district councils determine planning applications for housing in the area.
The changes, published in December 2024, mean there is now a need to deliver more than 1,300 new homes across North Devon and Torridge each year in order to meet the Government's mandatory housing targets. This is a significant increase on the amount previously required and planned for delivery.
While the councils raised their objections to the Government when the increases were subject to consultation last year, the targets have now come into force.
As a consequence, the councils are now unable to meet the Government obligation to show a housing supply of five years, despite having previously been able to show a supply of 5.18 years
This change means the councils now have to look more favourably on planning applications for housing that may not have otherwise been considered appropriate.
The councils are still able to seek that proposals come forward in sustainable locations, are well-designed and are delivering the right types and sizes of housing to help meet local needs.
They will also look to ensure that development contributes to the delivery of important local infrastructure such as healthcare, education, sports, leisure and play.
Councillor Malcolm Prowse, Lead Member for Regeneration, Economic Development and Planning at North Devon Council says:
"After working extremely hard to make sure we have planned to deliver the right amount of housing for northern Devon, we are extremely disappointed with the recent national changes that mean this work has been undermined by unrealistic requirements. We will do our upmost to ensure that this change doesn't open the floodgates to poor or inappropriate development."
Councillor Rosemary Lock, Lead Member for Planning and Development at Torridge District Council says:
"We recognise that many people feel there has already been significant amounts of house building imposed on their local communities, and this will be unwelcome news. However, we will do our best to ensure that any new proposals are carefully considered and that any additional housing is well designed and sensibly located."
The Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement is available to view at and
Jan 25