Antisocial Behaviour Crime & Policing Act 2014

Antisocial behaviour is a broad term used to describe the day-to-day incidents of crime, nuisance and disorder that make many people's lives a misery - from litter to vandalism, public drunkenness to aggressive dogs, to noisy or abusive neighbours
Because there is such a wide range of behaviours, it means that responsibility for dealing with antisocial behaviour is shared between a number of agencies including Devon & Cornwall Police, Torridge District Council, and Registered Social Landlords, who will all work together with Torridge's Community Safety Partnership. The partnership works to improve the quality of life for all those who live in or visit North Devon. By working with their partners they aim to reduce antisocial behaviour, crime and the fear of crime, to create a safer environment.
What is seen as 'antisocial' will vary from person to person and community to community. This is why the Government have changed the way incidents of anti-social behaviour are reported. It's not just the behaviour itself, but the impact that it's has on the individual person or community. The right response will depend on a range of things, but most importantly it will be about the needs of that person(s) and the impact on their life.