An overpayment is an amount of housing benefit/council tax support that has been paid, but for which there is no entitlement under Government Regulations/Torridge District Council Policy.

An overpayment normally occurs when you do not notify us of a change in you or your partner's circumstances; and a recalculation of your entitlement means that you have been paid too much housing benefit/council tax support. For example:
- Your income or capital has increased e.g. tax credits; wages; state benefits
- Somebody may have moved into your home
- You may have moved address
- You may have started work or changed jobs.
The benefits team must be informed in writing, of any such changes. You have one calendar month from the date of your change in circumstance to provide us with information. However, the earlier you get the information / evidence to us, the sooner your benefit/support will be corrected.
A fraudulent overpayment may occur when a person has deliberately provided a false statement or document, or has deliberately failed to report a change of circumstances with the intention of obtaining, or retaining benefit.
If an overpayment occurs, we will write to you, giving full details of the overpayment.
This will include:
- The cause of the overpayment
- The dates and the amount of the overpayment
- Who recovery of the overpayment will be sought from
- What you can do if you disagree with the overpayment
Important notes
A landlord can only request a review where recovery is being sought from him personally; that is, where an invoice for payment has been issued to him, or a deduction is being made from the benefit he receives for one of his tenants, in order to recover an overpayment owed by the landlord.
If a landlord habitually fails to repay overpayments that are recoverable from him, the Council can decide that the landlord is not a 'fit and proper person' under the Housing Benefit Regulations, and can refuse to make direct benefit payments to that landlord.
Overpaid Council tax support will be debited back on to your council tax account, which will increase the amount you have to pay.
If you require any further information please contact the benefits team
Overpayment of housing benefit can be recovered by using one of several methods:
- A one-off payment by you or your landlord
- Weekly deductions from your ongoing benefit
- A one-off deduction from a lump sum payment of benefit arrears
- If you are not receiving housing benefit the overpayment may be recovered from other benefits.
- An arrangement may be made to repay the debt.
- A deduction may be taken from your wages.
The method of repayment will depend on your individual circumstances.
Ways to pay your housing benefit invoice:
How and where to pay
By Direct Debit - the simplest way to pay your bill
Direct debit is the best way to pay - simple, quick and safe. Direct Debit instalments will be monthly on the 1st of each month.
To set up a Direct Debit online, complete this Direct Debit Form or alternatively, call 01237 428700 and we can set up your Direct Debit over the phone.
Pay online
You will need your debit or credit card and your invoice number. You can make a payment by clicking here
Online banking
Make your payment to Torridge District Council, quoting your invoice reference number, using these details:
Bank: Lloyds Bank PLC
Sort Code: 30-90-78
Account Number: 29541760
Account Name: Torridge District Council Receipts
By Telephone
You can pay using our 24 hour automated touch tone telephone service on 0300 7900 215 (option 3). You need your debit or credit card and your council tax reference number.
At any post office or PayPoint (shops & garages etc) location
You need to take your invoice with you. As well as Post Offices there are many PayPoint locations across the district. The following link provides access to a postcode checker for your nearest PayPoint location - PayPoint Locations
By post
Make cheques payable to Torridge District Council. Write your name, address and contact number on the back (we don't accept cheques dated in the future). Send your cheque to:
Torridge District Council, Riverbank House, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2QG
Related Downloads
Contact Us
Benefits Team
Housing Benefits and Council Tax Support
Email: Benefits
Tel: 01237 428700